
Middle School
Surface Area


Area of a Triangle Song

Learn how to find the area of a triangle with this Instructabeat!

Surface Area Song

Learn all about surface area using this InstructaBeat!

Circumference and Area Lessons

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we consider real-world problems with circumference and area of a circle!

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we introduce finding the area of a triangle!

Surface Area Lessons

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we introduce surface area!

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we teach how to find the surface area of a rectangular prism!

Video Lesson

This lesson discusses the area of a triangle to prepare for finding the surface area of triangular prisms!

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we teach how to find the surface area of a triangular prism!

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we teach how to find the surface area of pyramids with different bases!

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we teach how to find the surface area of polyhedrons when given the net!

Volume Lessons

Video Lesson

This lesson teaches how to find the volume of a sphere!

Video Lesson

This lesson teaches how to find the volume of a cylinder!

Video Lesson

This lesson teaches how to find the volume of a cone!

Video Lesson

This lesson teaches how to find the volume of square pyramids!

Video Lesson

This lesson teaches how to find the volume of triangular pyramids!