About Us

Mr. B Look right

Hello!  Welcome to InstructaBeats!  We are a couple of dudes who grew up incredibly bored in school, only to become teachers ourselves.  We both set out to create interactive and engaging classrooms… so it didn’t take long for awesome to recognize awesome when we both transferred to the same school in 2018.  After collaborating throughout the year, Mr. B thought it would be cool to create an end-of-year test-prep song.  Little did he know, Mr. H was a musician and terrible music producer who knew just enough Garage Band to be dangerous.  And so, InstructaBeats was born off the back of the greatest country rap song ever (“Old Town Road”), and the second greatest country rap song (“All Time Growth”) was released that May of 2019.

It was the perfect mix of cringe, teacher rap, virtuosic musicianship, and horse sounds.  That was when we realized student could really use engaging educational music (unless Itsy Bitsy Spider was your jam, there was a serious drought!).  From then on, InstructaBeats became a passion project, and we’ve been shamelessly plugging our YouTube channel during every Zoom meeting and Professional Development since.

YouTube Subscribers (We wish!)
Awesomeness Level
Awards & Achievements
Award 1

This event is one of many that inspired the masterpiece beheld below.