
Middle School
Negative Numbers

Integers, Rational Numbers, Absolute Value

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we introduce negative numbers!

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we discuss negative numbers in real life (part 1)!

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we discuss negative numbers in real life (part 2)!

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In this InstructaLesson, we discuss identifying the opposite of an integer placed on a number line!

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In this InstructaLesson, we dig into why the opposite of a negative is a positive!

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In this InstructaLesson, we teach how to locate and plot rational numbers on a number line!

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In this InstructaLesson, we teach how to compare rational numbers using a number line!

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we compare rational numbers in real life scenarios!

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we teach how to order rational numbers using a number line!

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In this InstructaLesson, we introduce absolute value!

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In this InstructaLesson, we teach how to order rational numbers using absolute value!

Video Lesson

This is a mastery check for negative numbers!

Adding and Subtracting Integers

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we discuss zero pairs!

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we teach how to add and subtract negative integers without crossing zero!

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we teach how to add and subtract positive integers without crossing zero!

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we teach how to add and subtract integers crossing over zero!

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In this InstructaLesson, we teach how to add integers using charges to represent numbers!

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we teach how to subtract integers using charges to represent numbers!

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In this InstructaLesson, we teach how to add and subtract three or more integers using a number line!

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we discuss how the distance between two numbers is the absolute value of the difference!

Video Lesson

This is a mastery check for adding and subtracting integers!

Shortcuts To Add and Subtract Integers

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we teach a shortcut for adding integers!

Video Lesson

In this InstructaLesson, we teach a shortcut for subtracting integers!