

Videos to help you use our resources!


What is it?

Growth mindset is a way of viewing difficult challenges, setbacks, and outcomes.  Students with growth mindset may encounter difficult problems, struggle through problems, and fail to solve problems… however, they understand it is all just a part of the learning experience.  They may not solve a problem YET, but they can and will develop the skills needed to conquer the problem in the near future!

Growth Mindset Song

Growth Mindset How-To


What are they?

There are various types of multiplication strategies, such as the Open Array Method (or box method), Partial Products, Standard Algorithm, and more.  All methods have strengths and weaknesses.  Some focus on conceptual understanding, but can be an arduous process, while others focus on efficiency.  We believe it’s important to start with conceptual methods, but don’t beat a dead horse for too long!  It can be incredibly frustrating for students who understand why it works, only to be forced to use a long, drawn-out method for no reason!

Standard Algorithm Song

Multiplication Strategies How-To

Videos To Use With Students


What is it?

Rigor in education simply means challenge, or challenging.  For some teachers, making tasks more challenging means giving students more problems, or giving them problems with larger numbers.  While students may take longer to complete these tasks, is this really challenging, or is it simply time-consuming?  We believe rigor is incredibly important, and one way we approach adding rigor to tasks is through depth and complexity. 

Adding Depth Part 1

Adding Complexity

Adding Depth Part 2


What is it?

SIDES Check is the embodiment of all problem-solving strategies, broken down in a way that reminds kids the process of how to solve problems.  It’s NOT a checklist.  It guides thinking.  To solve any problem, you need to name the problem, identify what you need to try to solve it, make a plan using that information, and then attempt to solve it.

SIDES Check Song

SIDES Check How-To

Videos To Use With Students


What are they?

Tape diagrams are visual models that help to represent what is happening in a problem, and the relationship between the numbers.  This is a great resource to develop independent thinkers with conceptual understanding!

Tape Diagrams With Fractions

Word Problems With Percents

Part-Whole Model Addition

Additive-Comparison Model

Multiplicative-Comparison Model

Division With Multiplicative-Comparison Model

Tape Diagrams With Percents

What Are They?

Part-Whole Model Subtraction

Part-Whole Model Multiplication

Part-Whole Model Division

Videos To Use With Students


What is it?

There’s no need to waste your time explaining this!  Check out these resources to help you teach volume conceptually!

Volume Song

Teaching Volume How-To

Videos To Use With Students